
How To Control Hair Fall in Rainy Season These 5 Hair Masks Will Remove The Problem

Hair Fall in Rainy Season These 5 Hair Masks Will Remove The Problem

Hair Fall in Rainy Season

During the rainy season cold winds blow on one side and heat and rain water on the other hand worsen the condition of the hair. Hair falls more during the rainy season than during normal days. There can be many reasons for this - like rain water infection, weakening of roots, nutritional deficiency, dandruff, frizziness, stress etc. In the monsoon, girls are often worried about the growth of hair fall and frizzy hair. In such problems, using some household hair masks can easily relieve your worries.

Hair Fall in Rainy Season Best 5 Hair Masks

1.Aloe Vera and Neem (Azadirachta indica)

Keep aloe vera soaked for 30 minutes, after which take out its gel. Grind the neem leaves and mix the aloe vera gel in it. Apply this mask from hair roots to tips. Leave it for about half an hour and then wash the hair with mild shampoo. This will not only remove the problem of frizziness, but will also remove all the problems related to slap.

2.Coconut Oil and Yogurt

Mix five teaspoons of yogurt in half a cup of coconut oil. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to it. Mix it well and apply it to the hair roots and wash it after half an hour. This mask will increase the shine of hair and at the same time, the problem related to dandruff in the head will also go away.It will help you remove hair fall in rainy season.

3.Avocado and Banana

Take out the avocado peel and take out the inside of it in a bowl. Cut the peeled bananas into it, and add two spoons of honey and mix it well in the grinder. When a very smooth paste is formed, apply it well to the hair roots with the help of a brush. This mask will help you to prevent hair fall problem and make hair strong from root.

4.Amla and Neem (Azadirachta indica)

Boil the gooseberry and grind it. Add powdered neem leaves to it and prepare a paste of both. Apply the paste well on the hair and wash it after 20 to 30 minutes. Apply this pack about three times a week. This mask will add new life to the hair, increase its shine and strengthen the hair from the roots.

5.Milk and Honey Hair Mask

Milk is rich in fat which helps in softening your hair, as well as the lactic acid present in it helps to remove old and bad hair cells. Apply 1 teaspoon of honey in half a cup of milk on your hair. It maintains the natural moisture of the hair and does not allow them to become dry, making the hair shiny.

7 Monsoon Hair Care Routine Tips At Home

7 Monsoon Hair Care Routine Tips At Home

1.If your hair gets wet frequently in rain water then you must wash them with shampoo, otherwise the moisture created by rain water will take the form of fungus and there will be other problems with itching.

2.Dry the wet hair with a comb with big teeth, this will make the hair easy to unravel and not break.

3.Allow wet hair to dry first and then tie it. If you tie the hair without drying it completely, then it will smell, it will increase the chances of lice and the quality will also deteriorate.

4.After washing the hair, apply conditioner so that the hair does not go random and can be easily sorted out. During this season, the hair becomes dry and the hair breaks, which is a good way to avoid it.

5.Apply oil at least once in 5 weeks to nourish the hair and also remove dryness. This will not make the hair even lifeless and will keep the shine in them. 

6.Do not share your hair with anyone else. If you have big hair , you can keep short hair during the rainy season. This will also give you a new look and hair care will also be done.

7.Along with all these, pay attention to your diet too. If food affects every part of our body, then it will also affect the hair, so keep your diet regular, eat less outside and avoid eating fast food. Include protein rich foods in your diet. Such as eggs, carrots, pulses, green vegetables, dairy products etc.

"In today's post, you came to know Ways to Hair Fall in Rainy Season , as well as Monsoon Hair Care Routine Tips. We hope that the information given by us will be useful for you.You should also give information about this post to your friends and also share this post on Facebook and other social sites. So that this information can reach more and more people. If you have any problem or you have any question in our post Symptoms of Cancer , then you must ask your questions in the comment."
How To Control Hair Fall in Rainy Season These 5 Hair Masks Will Remove The Problem How To Control Hair Fall in Rainy Season These 5 Hair Masks Will Remove The Problem Reviewed by Deepak Dangi on August 11, 2019 Rating: 5


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